
Influence of Technological Parameters of Top Comb on Combing Effect


Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of the top comb tooth density and the insertion depth on the combing effect, the paper carried out an interactive spinning test via designing four specifications of top comb tooth density, i.e., 26, 28, 30, 32 teeth/cm, as well as three technological parameters, i.e., “-0.5”,“0”,“+0.5”, to achieve different top comb insertion depth. Results indicated that increasing the tooth density of the top comb when the insertion depth of the top comb is small is beneficial to eliminate the short fiber and neps in combing sliver, but it has no significant effect on the yarn quality; increasing the top comb insertion depth will reduce the number of neps in the yarn and increase the noil percentage of combing; when the top comb insertion depth increases from “-0.5” to “0”, the IPI value of yarn is improved, however, the yarn strength decreases; the overall quality of the yarn is optimal when the tooth density of the top comb is 26 teeth/cm in the fine cotton combing.

Key words: comber; tooth density of top comb; insertion depth; yarn quality